Value Lodging Dates @ Blue

ToDoOntario - Blue Mountain Resort, summer fun
Great Savings on Resort Accommodation
Travel dates flexible? This is the right place to be! Check out value dates calendar to find when Blue is offering the best rates on accommodation. They’re always changing, so be sure to come back often when you’re planning to see if your dates can score you a great deal.

Highlighted dates in each month indicate lower than usual room rates. These rates may vary depending on room type and size. As always, all rates are subject to availability. Lodging can be booked by calling our Contact Centre to discuss your reservation, or through our online lodging engine.

Value Dates apply to accommodation only, and are not applicable to Lodging Packages.

  1. Navigate to our Online Lodging Engine
  2. Select your arrival date, departure date and number of guests staying
  3. From the “Packages” page, select “Regular Rate”
  4. Select your room type
  5. Review your reservation
  6. Proceed to Checkout