Celebration of Research – CANCELLED

To Do Ontario, Celebration of Research at Haliburton Forest

Have you ever been curious about the research going on at Haliburton Forest? You may know about about the recreational activities and forestry operations at Haliburton Forest. However, you may not know that they are constantly conducting research. Continuing to learn about their forest and its inhabitants is important in being able to effectively manage and work alongside them. Topics of study encompass many aspect of Haliburton Forest, such as forest ecology, climate change, tree health, pollinators, etc… Join Haliburton Forest for a Celebration of Research, where many partners will share their findings. University of Toronto researchers together with Haliburton Forest Staff are sure to teach you something new during this full day of presentations.

The schedule of presentations will be posted shortly before the event.

Cost: There is no charge for this event, no registration required.

Included: Buffet lunch at the Cookhouse Restaurant as well as several informative presentations.

While you’re there, check out the Speciality Lumber and Character Log Auction on Saturday the 9th. Make a weekend of it and stay in a cosy housekeeping units.
