Haliburton Sculpture Forest – a Guided Tour

ToDoOntario, Yours Outdoors Haliburton Sculpture Forest Guided Tour

When you go down to the woods today, you are in for big surprise!

There is a forest full of magic in the village of Haliburton. Let Yours Outdoors help you discover the sculptures and stories of the Haliburton Sculpture Forest.  An enagaging, knowledgeable (and awesome!) experience leader will share stories of these wondeful sculptures created by Canadian and international artists.

COVID protocols have been developed for your safety.  Please register in advance.  Maximum group size is 9 people.

Available to family and friend bubbles, couples and individuals  

Rates per person vary depending on group size

9 persons 15.00
8 persons17.00
7 persons 19.00
6 persons 22.00
5 persons26.00
4 persons33.00

Half price for children/youth ages 3-16 yrs. No charge for children 2 yr and under.

Rates include 1.5 hr of walking and story telling, an exceptional experience leader and a few surprises 

All rates subject to HST. Yours Outdoors accepts cash, cheque, e-transfer, Paypal and online credit card payments via Paypal (Visa, MC, American Express).
