Intro to Hot-Tent Winter Camping

ToDoOntario - Yours Outdoors, hot tent camping
Experience the beauty of Ontario’s backcountry in winter with this introduction to winter camping. Winter camping is best enjoyed using the comforts of a hot-tent – a traditional canvas tent which houses a portable woodstove. This style of winter camping permits campers to enjoy extended trips in even the coldest temperatures. In a hot-tent one can cook, eat, dry out wet clothes, and relax in the company of friends in warm, comfortable shelter.
This 1-night or 2-night experience for 2-4 participants will be instructional, covering such essentials as:

how to dress for living outside
what and how to pack
how haul a sled on snowshoes,
choosing a suitable place to camp
setting up camp
harvesting and processing firewood,
using a woodstove for heat and cooking
and much more ….

Safe travel and safe living in winter will be emphasized throughout. See YoursOutdoors website for schedule and dates.
