Learn to Winter Camp

ToDoOntario, Algonquin Park Voyageur Quest winter camping

Winter Camping & Cabin Adventure at Algonquin Park.

Ski across frozen lakes and snowshoe through waist deep snow. Learn winter backcountry travel skills from seasoned guides. Rest tired bones in the wood fired sauna and learn all about heated wall tents. This winter adventure  focuses on off-the-beaten path outdoor exploration and backcountry travel skills. While no winter experience is necessary, these “learn to” lines of participatory adventures are intended for those who have some outdoor experience and are looking for authentic adventure.

First Night Log Cabin – Learn winter travel techniques including how to snowshoe with different toboggans. Visit the winter camp to get an idea of what the camping will be. Return to the Algonquin Log Cabin for a well deserved feast and cozy comfort.

Second Night Winter Tent – Travel by snowshoe to a winter camp. Learn how to set up different types of winter hot tents. Explore the Surprise Lake area including a trek to Music Lake. Overnight in a heated tent with a billion stars overhead.

2021 Departures
January 29-31
March 12-14 
