The Family Crow: A Murder Mystery

ToDoOntario - Cobble Beach Resort, Family Crow Murder Mystery Dinner


THE FAMILY CROW: A Murder Mystery is a theatrical comedy, puppet murder mystery created by internationally celebrated puppeteer Adam Francis Proulx, and directed by Byron Laviolette of Morro and Jasp fame. A mysterious murder has occurred amidst the Family Crow and now Horatio P. Corvus (Sorter Outer of Murders) is on the scene to crack the case. ​Eat your heart out, Agatha Crowstie.

Puppets! Puns! Murder!

Tickets: $105 +HST 
 Includes a delicious Italia Buffet Dinner before the show! 

Time: Doors open 6:00pm | Dinner served 6:30pm | Show starts 8:00pm
